Song > Song Lyrics

We have hundreds of song lyrics here for you to download FREE. There are also some video lessons of some of the songs available. We are still busy working to add more of the most popular Scots and Gaelic songs so email us if there are songs you would like to learn and we will try to add them.

Total matches: 150

Woo’d an Merriet

This video lesson bundle contains step by step tuition as well as the lyrics and additional informa…


Amazing Grace - Variable Speed Videos

This bundle includes multi-angle video, sheet music and additional information about the performer.…


Auld Lang Syne - Variable Speed Videos

This bundle includes multi-angle video, sheet music, lyrics and additional information about the pe…


Bonnie Laddie, Heilan Laddie

This video lesson bundle contains step by step tuition as well as the lyrics and additional informa…


Braigh Uige

This video lesson bundle contains step by step tuition as well as the lyrics and additional informa…


Buain na Rainich - Variable Speed Videos

This bundle includes multi-angle video, sheet music and additional information about the performer.…


Coulter’s Candy - Variable Speed Videos

This bundle includes multi-angle video, sheet music and additional information about the performer.…


Gur Tu Mo Chruinneag Bhoideach

This video lesson bundle contains step by step tuition as well as the lyrics and additional informa…


Hey Ho (Ach Weel)

This video lesson bundle contains step by step tuition as well as the lyrics and additional informa…


Katie Bairdie - Variable speed videos

This bundle includes multi-angle video, sheet music, lyrics and additional information about the pe…
