
Leabhar a' Phiana - Simple Gaelic Tunes for the Piano ebook and 2 CDs

This is the scrolling ebook and 2 demonstration CDs for the Leabhar a' Phiana - Simple Gaelic Tunes for the Piano book.


This is a lovely selection of tunes for piano (or keyboard) taken from the Gaelic song repertoire of the Scottish Highlands. There are over 50 tunes and they are from early beginnings to intermediate stages of playing.

Suitable for those who have been playing for about six months onwards. It is ideal for all piano players from children to adults as it is a very varied selection of lovely melodies.

This book is ideal for using at local or national Mods, concerts and Festivals and for pupils learning piano in a Gaelic medium environment. Each tune has its original Gaelic title and a translated title and it is a scrolling ebook suitable for use on ipads, computers and any tablets.

It is not intended as a stand alone tutor book but, although it is graded, it should be seen as an accompaniment to a standard piano book.

Tha mi air a bhith a’ teagasg a’ phiàna, an seo san Eilean Sgitheanach airson iomadh bliadhna a-nis agus san ùine sin, tha mi air mothachadh cho math ’s a tha na sgoilearan agam a’ gabhail ri co-sheirmean de dh’ fhuinn Ghàidhlig is Ghàidhealach, gu h-àraidh an fheadhainn a tha air a bhith air an oideachadh ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha leithid a bheairteas cultair an seo, gur e cùis-nàire a bhiodh ann gun an cleachdadh ann a bhith a’ teagasg ceòl.

Chan eilear an dùil gur e leabhar-oideachaidh na aonar, a tha san leabhar seo, ach ged a tha na fuinn air an cur air dòigh a rèir an dùilgheadais, dh’ fhaodar fhaicinn mar leabhar a rachadh còmhla ri leabhar-oideachaidh airson piana.

Tha e freagarrach airson oileanaich a tha air a bhith ag ionnsachadh airson mu shia mìosan, le co-sheirmean a tha a’ sior dol am meud a thaobh an duilgheadais.

Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e ribh.


Book format:
Scottish Highlands
Fingering, Staff notation
Tune Types:
Air, Dance tunes, Gaelic waltz, Jig, Listening tune, March, Reel, Strathspey, Waltz
Beginners / Intermediate
Mary Strachan


  • A Bhanarach Chaoin/The Gentle Milkmaid,
  • A Bh. Ph. Nic Leòid à Ratharsaidh/Mrs Macleod of Raasay,
  • A Ghaoil Leig Dhachaidh gum Mhàthair Mi/Darling, Let me Home to My Mother,
  • A Mhorag Nighean Dhòmhnaill Dhuinn/ Morag, Daughter of Brown Donald,
  • An Gille Crùbach anns a’ Ghleann/The lame Lad in the Glen,
  • An Seàirdeant Gasta Bàn/Dashing White Sergeant,
  • An Teid Thu Leam, A Mhairi?/Will you go with me, Mary?
  • Aonghas Mac Leòid/Angus MacLeod,
  • Bìrlinn Ghoraidh Chròbhain/Gorry Crobhan’s Galley,
  • Bodachan a’ Mhìrein/The Merry Old Man,
  • Buain nan Dearcan/Gathering Berries,
  • Caisteal Dhùn Robain/Dunrobin Castle,
  • Ceòl a’ Bhodaich/The Carle’s Delight ,
  • Chan eil Mo Leannan Ann An Seo/My Sweetheart’s not Here,
  • Chuir Iad Mise dh’Eilean Leam Fhèin/They Put Me on an Island by Myself,
  • Chuirinn air a’ Phìop E/I Would Play it on the Pipes,
  • Comar nan Uisgeachan/The Meeting of the Waters,
  • Còta Geàrr Sgiobalta/A Neat, Cut Coat,
  • Dannsa Hearach/Harris Dance,
  • Dannsa Sgitheanach/Skye Dance,
  • Eilean Ì/The Isle of Iona,
  • Eilidh Nic Fhionghainn na h-Àirde/Eilidh MacKinnon of Aird,
  • Fàgail Bharraigh/Leaving Barra,
  • Fear an Dùin Mhòir/Lord Dunmore’s Jig,
  • Gabhaidh Sinn an Rathad Mòr/We’ll take the High Road,
  • Gaidheil Obar Charnaig/Abercairney’s Highlanders ,
  • Gaol mo Chrìdh’-sa, Màiri Bhàn/Mairi’s Wedding,
  • Gille Beag Ò/Wee Lad,
  • Gludaranaich/Gurgling,
  • Hai-o na h-Eiregan/Hey, Ho The Pullets,
  • Hè Mo Leannan/ Hey, My Sweetheart,
  • Ho Ro Shiùbhlainn Fada/Horo I Would Travel Far,
  • Ì Bhì Ada,
  • Illean Bithibh Sunndach/Boys, Be of Good Cheer,
  • Làrach do Thacaidean/The Site of Your Tacks,
  • Lasair Mòna/The Peat Fire Flame,
  • Mìle Mharbhaisg air a’ Ghaol/A Thousand Curses on Love,
  • Mo Chuachag Laghach/My Nice Young Girl,
  • Mo Nighean Donn Bhòidheach/My Brown Haired Maiden,
  • Nan Amadan, Nan Amadan a Bha Mi Riamh/I Was Ever an Idiot,
  • Nighean Bhàn a’ Mhùileir/The Miller’s Daughter,
  • O Teannaibh Dlùth/O Gather Close,
  • Seinn o Churadail,
  • ‘S Fliuch an Oidhche/Tis Wet the Night,
  • ‘S Gann gun Dìrich Mi Chaoidh/It’s not Likely I Will Ever Climb,
  • ‘S Iomadh Rud Tha Dhìth Orm/There’s Many a Thing I Lack,
  • Siorram Sìos/Sheriff Down,
  • Siuthadaibh ‘Illean, Gabhaibh am Port/Come, Boys, Give us a Tune,
  • Siud Mar Chaidh an Càl a Dholaidh/The Spoiling of the Kale,
  • Slaighdearan Mhala/Rakes of Mallow,
  • Stad a Mhàiri Bhanarach/Stop Mary the Milkmaid,
  • ‘S Trusaidh Mi na Coilleagan/ The Cockle Gatherers,
  • Sùilean Dubha/Dark Eyes,
  • Toiseach a’ Mhàigh/The First of May,


"I am happy to commend this book, not only for students in the Highlands, but as a collection of very clever arrangements with fingering clearly marked. The book "comprises many of the lovely Gaelic waltzes, marches, strathspeys and schottisches which are very much part of the Scottish Dance Band Repertoire."

Joan Blue - Box and Fiddle 2015

Filled with great music it presents a fantastic way to learn Scottish music for solo piano.

Joseph Peach - Living Tradition Magazine


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